You might be wondering where the posts have been lately. If so, I will now explain. (If you have been wondering anything else you will find yourself somewhat disappointed). My mom and the kids came to town last week. During all of the fun and excitement we lost our camera. Thus, I have no pictures to share with everyone. And when there are no pictures, nobody reads the blog. And since nobody is reading this blog right now, I could say anything I wanted and nobody would know. Which is why I am now declaring that I have passed legislation to outlaw Canada and bombing will begin promptly. Wait, that's already been done. Never mind.
Anyhow, since the only people still here are those who actually read stuff, I thought I would offer you something special. I have been reading all kinds of interesting things for class of late. At the end of the semester, I plan to make some copies of things (authors all dead) and mail it to people I believe might find it worthwhile, and some who will have no choice in the matter. So, if you're interested in learning more about language, persuasion, and society as a whole, send me your address and I will get you some good stuff come December. I'll be sending some good articles from the likes of Kenneth Burke, Wayne Boothe, Michel Foucault, Richard (Dream) Weaver, and others. Just promise you'll read it so I'm not wasting my time and money. If send your address in the next 20 minutes, I'll even throw in one of my seminar papers, just in case you ever have trouble sleeping. You can email me your address for privacy:
In the mean time, I'll try to woo readers without the aid of pictures.