Enough with the apologies of late. Now, I will update everyone on the family.
Kaaryn has been working overnights as a hospice home health nurse. She goes to people's homes and stays overnight as they slowly and impatiently wait to die. I know it sounds like a circus, but it's actually kind of a drag. She works from 8PM to 8AM. Then she comes home and sleeps while I play Mr. Mom. Her schedule has her working three days one week and then 4 days the next, which has her harassing me four days one week and then three days the next.
Salem has been growing up quite a bit. She now has a total of four teeth, which beats out the majority of residents in Taylor, AZ.
She likes to Skype her grandmas. If anyone is not familiar with Skype, it's the coolest thing since James Dean's estate sale. People can do videophone conversations for free online. Check it out at skype.com.
She has been working on her baby smile. Which is coming along.
This was a propitious bit of photography. This was the first time Salem sat up unassisted.
And finally, Salem has been dabbling with the Jedi mind trick. I can't quite recall why, but I let her stay up really late that night.
An interesting episode with Athos: he disappeared a couple of nights ago. He likes to go outside and has never ventured further than three feet from our back door. However, one night, as I am going to bed, I noticed that nothing extraordinarily abrasive is licking my scalp. I looked everywhere and could not find him. The next day I looked all over again. Athos was gone. Kaaryn and I drove around the neighborhood and inquired with neighbors, but there was no white puff of fur to be found anywhere outside of Mrs. Smith's jumbo old lady hat.
The only thing that gave us comfort was that we had just purchased a collar and a tag for him, so hopefully anyone that found him would know where to call. But nobody called. So imagine my surprise when the next morning I let Mojo out and saw no kitty. Five minutes later, I go to let "capital M, as in Momo," as I call him, back into the house, and there is Athos pawing at the glass door. He looks like he lost some weight, and was very glad to be home, but came home nonetheless.
Here he is trying to steal some cereal from me after returning home.
And just hanging around having a lazy day.
Mojo has been coming along very well. He loves Athos, they play quite a bit. And he really loves Roxanne. Those two have some pretty intense play sessions full of biting and tackling and neck and ear pulling. Mojo is pretty much fully potty trained and is pretty good about only chewing licensed objects.
Mojo loves to play with Roxanne. Athos likes to spectate.
He has been working on the face pull move for a few weeks now.
And Mojo loves to snuggle.