Monday, December 31, 2007

I spoke with my uncle Jon by way of the telephone the other week. Jon is in remarkable shape these days and he gave the secret to his cardiovascular success. Jumping Rope. So in an attempt to whip myself into shape, I went out and purchased such a devise. I've been at it for a couple of weeks now and I'm glad to report that, as of right now, I am jumping rope with skills that rank somewhere between an amateur heavyweight boxer and a ten year old school girl. Luckily for our readers, I'm able to take you through one of my workouts using the miracle of time lapse photography. Check it out.

0:15 Into the Workout

0:30 Into the Workout

0:35 Into the Workout. Full Recovery!

0:45 Into the Workout

One Minute into the Workout

1:15 Into the Workout

Wrapping it up. Time for cooldown.